What Affects a Radon Test? Radon Testing Effectiveness

Exposure to the combination of both radon gas and cigarettes causes a greater risk of lung cancer than exposure to each factor by themselves. Although most radon-related cancer deaths occur in smokers, more than 10 percent of radon related deaths occur in nonsmokers. Most New Jersey home inspectors are going to use a passive radon testing devise. These passive devises consist of charcoal canisters, alpha track detectors, charcoal liquid scintillation devices, and electric ion chamber detectors. These types of tests are exposed to the air in the home for a specified period of time then are packaged up and sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. The EPA recommends correcting the home if radon gas concentrations are over 4 pCi per liter of air or higher.

radon dangers in the home and radon testing

Radon-resistant new construction incorporates techniques to seal soil gas entry points, prevent radon gas intrusion, and vent the radon outdoors. The techniques and materials needed to install a system are commonly used in construction. The features can also decrease moisture entering the home, reducing the risk for mold and other indoor air problems.

RDA Home Radon Test Kit

Most radon exposure occurs inside homes, schools and workplaces. Radon gas becomes trapped indoors after it enters buildings through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Indoor radon can be controlled and managed with proven, cost-effective techniques.

radon dangers in the home and radon testing

The risk of lung cancer with radon increases around 16% for every 100 Bq of long-term inhalation and exposure. This means that if you do have a home that has a high concentration of radon, you may be at risk of future illness without your even knowing it. These systems do not require major changes to the typical home. These systems prevent radon gas from entering the living space.

For further reading

“Certain areas of our country, such as Iowa, Appalachia, and Southeast Pennsylvania, have the highest atmospheric radon concentrations related to high soil concentrations,” said Mensch. She had no other markers and didn’t fit the classic standard for those who get lung cancer. Just over 2 years ago, Rachael Malmberg, a U.S. star hockey player was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.

If you have a radon test set up in your home take the extra precautions to make sure children and pets to not touch the test while it's in use. The test needs to be at least 20 inches off of the ground and a minimum of one foot away from the outside walls. This is important to note especially for those who purchase a home test kit, do not make the mistake of placing the kit directly on the floor. Some states, and some lenders, may require you to disclose the presence of radon since it is considered a potentially harmful gas. Seal cracks in floors and walls with plaster, caulk, or other mate­rials designed for this purpose. All news articles must include original commentary from at least two qualified sources with appropriate credentials and links to relevant associations or published works.

How we reviewed this article:

Radon gas has been identified as the second leading cause of lung cancer, second only to cigarette smoking. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. About 2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation considers radon to be a very serious problem in our state.

Keep in mind that an estimated 21,000 radon-related cases of lung cancers come from an average indoor level of 1.3 pCi/L - an even lower concentration. If you smoke, quitting is still the best way to reduce your risk of lung cancer. Testing is the only way to determine how much radon is present in someone’s home, office, school and water supply.

So before you buy a house, make sure you test it for radon to keep your family safe from the cancer-causing gas. These include continuous radon monitors and continuous working level monitors. These devises continually monitor and measure the radon decay products in the air.

The central A/C may be operated while a radon test is being conducted in the home. Window units may also be used if they are well sealed, and they are operated on the recirculating setting so that fresh air is not bought into the home. New Jersey home inspectors should test for radon gas when performing home inspections in New Jersey.

Houwzer's 5 Step Home Buying Guide

The most common mitigation methods are installing a quality vapor retarder or sub-slab ventilation under concrete floors. If you are purchasing a ready-to-move-in home, you probably know that there are many things to consider. Aside from the house’s location and its price, you also need to test it for radon. Some buyers are unaware that radon testing is significant, especially if you are relocating to a new house. In this article, find out why it is necessary to test your home for radon and what kind of radon testing is recommended.

radon dangers in the home and radon testing

It significantly increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers especially. Radin testing can be short-term or long-term, and the better one depends on what you want to achieve. For instance, short-term radon testing is recommended if you only want to know if radon exists in the house you are about to buy. If the results say there are high radon levels, you need to ask the contractor about the best radon reduction technique that can be applied to your home.

Is testing for radon expensive?

Container tests are easy to use and affordable, costing $20–$30. However, they’re less precise and can produce inaccurate results due to improper test conditions or the weather. Consider performing a radon test if you didn’t do so when you bought your home, particularly if you live in a Level 1 or 2 area. You can test your home for radon yourself or hire a professional. Most home buyers perform a radon test when they purchase their home. Many home inspectors, especially those in high radon areas, provide radon tests as an added service.

radon dangers in the home and radon testing

When this happens indoors or in a poorly ventilated space, the released gas accumulates and becomes more concentrated. There are two types of radon testing, short-term and long-term. Both are helpful, but they should be done correctly to get the most accurate results. Although there are DIY radon testing that you can do, hiring a professional radon corrector is highly recommended. When looking for a radon contractor, make sure they have a license to conduct radon testing. Having a license means they are legal to operate, and they are knowledgeable when it comes to radon mitigation.


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